Valentine's Idea: Write a Love Letter

{woman} love.letter.project #3
Originally uploaded by Haruka.
When was the last time you wrote your sweetheart a love letter? My sweetie mentioned that receiving a love letter would be a great Valentine's Day surprise. I say I must agree with her. Writing a love letter can be a wonderful excerise that moves the writer out of the ordinary rut.

Not sure how to write a love letter? Not to fret, here are some great ideas to get you started, followed by places you can find even more information on the subject. Isn't the Internet wonderful?

  • When stealing, steal from the best. Use freely from the bard, the lyrics to romantic love songs and poems.
    Doubt thou the stars are fire;
    Doubt that the sun doth move;
    Doubt truth to be a liar;
    But never doubt I love.
  • Hand written on specialty paper is nice. If your hand writing is not all that romance inspiring, consider having a professional calligrapher writing your thoughts for you.
  • Include compliments on all aspects of your sweetheart: physical characteristics, talents and accomplishments.
  • Express gratitude for the wonderful things your sweetie does.
  • Tell your sweetheart ways in which they make you a better person.
  • Remember shared times together
  • Include a little humor
Suggested reading:A final quote:
If I know what love is, it is because of you.


For an interesting take on love and love letters:

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